Monday, March 8, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa start of a dynasty

Grandma and Grandpa ...
The Start of a family story...

What can be said of Grandma and Grandpa Abbott. They enjoyed the quiet life of sitting in the living room and chatting with each other and family. They spent 70 years together very much in love and struggled the hard life of the depression years. Where every dollar was stretched beyond what we would be comfortable with in these times. They both were very sharp and could remember exclusive details of every family event. Especially the ones we wished they would not remember.

Guyton Abbott (Grandpa) worked at the Westinghouse switch and signal as a tool maker until he retired. It was said by co-workers that he was the best tool maker they had ever met. He not only new how to stretch his money, but was able to invest in his families future by buying US Savings Bonds and Treasury notes.

I remember him coming into town one morning on the bus to personally attend to his Treasury notes at the Federal Reserve. He was a very proud man and needed to resolve an issue with his notes and bonds. I remember feeling very proud of him, because he was so independent and in charge. He told me that resolved his issue and that he set the people at the Fed straight.

Geraldine Abbott (Grandma) was a great cook and dazzled the family with her cooking skills. Her pasta and meatballs were amazing at the family gatherings. She was a great grandmother and enjoyed her visits with the great grandchildren. You could never pull anything over on her, she seemed to be two steps ahead of us grand kids.

I remember after grandpa had passed away in July 1994, she sat down with me and wanted to tell the family story which she could recall as if it happened yesterday. She provided us with so much information about the family that my uncle was able to create the family story.

I can recall the day that she went down to Maryland in the ambulance to live out her remaining time with stomach cancer at my uncles house. She told me that "I Love you and to take care of the family", as if she was going away for the weekend. She was a very strong person who took her terminal illness with the grace expected of her personality. Then on Feb 25th, 2000 we lost that strength and the matriarch of the family.

What they have left us were three sons, who in turn created three separate families that have all grown and spread out across the country.

But, no matter what... all the origins lead back to the little house in Swissvale. Where the love of two was the beginning of a family.

Love you Grandma and Grandpa!!!

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